Got your Decimals Test back. If you got below a C- (D+, D, D-, or F) I need a parent signature. If this applies to you, you may try to raise up your grade to a C- by correctly fixing all the problems you got wrong on a separate piece of paper showing your work. Do this and I can raise up your grade. I need this by Friday November 4th. If you were not here on Fridayt, please come talk to me so we can set up a time for you to take the test.
Went over the Decimals Practice Test. You should all have the correct answers. Our Decimals Test is tomorrow. I passed out a 3 X 5 card/paper in class. You may write whatever you want on the card to help you on the test tomorrow. Think of this a a "cheat sheet." You are not allowed to attach anything to the paper using glue, staples, post it, paper clip, etc. Don't forget to bring the 3 X 5 card. tomorrow. Please bring your practice test tomorrow. I will be collecting it when you turn in your Decimals Test.
Had the period to work on the Decimals Practice Test. We will go over it tomorrow. Remember our test on Decimals is this Friday ![]()
Went to and under 6th Grade worked on O.7 Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide 2 Decimals Word Problems. Need to get a score of 80 points. Anything above that up to 100 is extra credit for this assignment. Had the period to work on this. If you don't have access to this at home I am available in the morning before school from 8 to 8:30 to use an iPad in class.
Don't forget that your Mystery Graph Picture #2 is due tomorrow. It needs to be colored. Please see the post from last Friday for information about this and a digital copy of the assignment. Our test on decimals is this Friday. Our test on decimals has been moved back a day to this Friday. Had about 30 minutes to work on Big Ideas through Clever 2.6 Dividing Decimals Part 3 (pgs. 98-99 #28-33 49, 51, 61-64 in the textbook)
Remember your mystery graph picture #2 assignment is due on Wednesday Please make sure it is colored. Please see the post from Friday for more information and digital copy. Had the period to work on Mystery Graph Picture #2. This will be due next Wednesday October 26th. ![]()
Remember we are having a test on Decimals next Thursday.
Continued working on 2.6 Dividing Decimals. Assignment for today is to go to Big Ideas through Clever and complete 2.6 Dividing Decimals Part 2 (pg. 98 #26, 36-43 in the textbook.) Had 20 minutes in class to work on this. It looks like we will be having a test on Decimals next Thursday.
Went on to and under 6th grade completed H.6 Dividing Decimals by a Whole Number Word Problems. Need to get at least 70 points. Anything above that up to 100 is extra credit for this assignment. Please make sure you log in when you are doing this to get your points. I am available in the morning before school from 8:00 to 8:30 a. m. if you can't complete this at home.
Make sure you are checking your grades on Infinite Campus on a regular basis. Please read the comments I leave especially if you got a zero on a particular assignment. Started talking about 2.6 Dividing Decimals. Looked at how to divide a decimal by a whole number. Went on to Big Ideas through Clever to complete 2.6 Dividing Decimals. (pg. 97 #12-24 in the textbook.) Had 20 minutes in class to work on this.
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