Starting in January if students turn in an assignment late, the most they will be able to get for that assignment is 50%. In order for a late assignment to get 5o %, it must be completely done. Late assignments that are not completely done will get less than 50%. Also, starting in January, I will only be accepting late assignments for the chapter we are working on. For example, while working in Chapter 2, I will accept late assignments for that chapter only. Once we take the chapter 2 test and move on to the next chapter I will no longer accept late assignments for Chapter 2. We went over all of this in class today.
Finished talking about 3.4 Distributive Property. Assignment for today is pg. 138. #39-48, 52-53. Students had about 20 minutes in class to work on this. Please write out the expressions and show your work like we did together in class.
Finished talking about 3.4 Distributive Property. Assignment for today is pg. 138. #39-48, 52-53. Students had about 20 minutes in class to work on this. Please write out the expressions and show your work like we did together in class.